General Terms and Conditions

  1. WinBDT is an agent based betting website which is operating business over the world. If any player wants to open an account on our site and make a deposit or withdrawal, they must need to take help of an agent.

  2. User’s age must need to be 18 years old to open a player or an agent account on our site.

  3. To join with us as an agent, we suggest to use your real name (according to your National ID Card or Passport) when registering, to avoid any type of future hassle with your agent account. Company are committed to protecting your personal information.

  4. Agents need to buy a specific amount of credit based on their agent category to start  business with WinBDT. For more details please go through our specific T&C guide on agent tires or contact our admin.

  5. After getting the Agent ID and Password you can contact your upline agent(if exist) to learn how to do operations with that ID like create a new agent or player ID, how to process deposit, withdraw & so on or you also can take the help from our video tutorials or else, you can contact with our admin.

  6. As an agent of WinBDT it is your duty & responsibility to maintain a good & constant communication & relation with your player, down line agent, upline agent(if exist) and company.

  7. Agents should process any deposit request of a downline agent or player within the fastest time upon request. Any complaint to the admin from the downline agent or player regarding deposit issue will be considered with maximum importance.

  8. Regarding Withdrawal request of downline, we appreciate all agents to serve it as early as possible because the business reputation will constitute upon the withdrawal performance.

  9. If fund embezzlement or any other financial allegation is proved for any agents, the company can take any strict action including cancellation of his agentship.

  10. Payment for buying credit from the company should be done through Bank deposit. Do not save any account details that you have previously transacted, Please confirm with us the account number every time before banking.

  11. We are encouraging all of our agents to create their own bank account and activate online money transfer service for the account for deposit purposes. So the agents will be allowed to do online money transfer to our company account 24 hours for buying credit from us.

  12. Please inform our admin if you have any complaints or grievances about your upline agent. For any further queries please feel free to contact us.